Mission Statement:
This committee constantly reminds our membership of Christ’s demands upon us. Throughout the year, the committee encourages special service through cash offerings, offerings of food and clothes, and volunteer service.
What this committee does:
- Participates in Harvest Home and delivers food collected to local food banks
- Neighbors in Need
- CROP Walk
- Salvation Army Angel Tree
- Advent Food Collection
- Cooks and serves meals at Salvation Army
- Soup Nite
- Blanket Sunday
- One Great Hour of Sharing
- Collects Lenten Offering and chooses recipient each year
- Collects cans of soup and donations for food bank on Souper Bowl Sunday
- Weekly collections of toiletries for Lehigh County Conference of Churches
- God’s Garden Gifts
- Weekly collections and delivery of food for Northern Lehigh Food Bank
- Helps distribute food at Northern Lehigh Food Bank
- Donates to various mission institutions from budgeted and discretionary funds